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Achieving high collaboration and teamwork in the team. It’s a group transformation process for a working team which aligns the working chemistry of the team members


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It is the latest cutting edge material to reduce high staff turnover and achieve high collaboration among team members. Many of the problems in organizations can be solved through simple means of collaboration yet it seems to be the hardest thing to do. These problems can be solved if only the stake holders of the problem get together and collaborate effectively. They even may know what contributes to effective collaboration yet something goes wrong in their communication. The solution is in CQ. Turning the attention towards understanding the invisible chemistry that pervades a team working together and the mechanics to control & steer group intelligence is the next competitive edge in the corporate world today. Currently it’s a far fetch thing due to the ignorance of CQ understanding. Low CQ is the single cause for all the human issues in organisations and the world at large.

Collaborative intelligence (CQ) is a measure of the collaborative ability of a group in achieving higher productivity. Having talented and knowledgeable workers alone is inadequate in achieving departmental or organizational results. The collaborative Intelligence among them has to be in place. IQ, and EQ are personal intelligence and CQ is an interpersonal Intelligence. Although this is acknowledged globally as a great fact there seems to be the tremendous amount of carelessness and ignorance in applying it. They need to have the relevant Intelligence in place to manifest the abilities and behavior required. This is a smarter way of training the employees because it addresses the intelligence or source of the Interpersonal competencies.


This is a very special interpersonal skill training which addresses the working chemistry and the process used is far more effective than any other methods. This training introduces Team Chemistry Rewiring Process.  The root contributor to team success is addressed, which can be considered the new age “Tipping Effect”. People need not be told on what is good and right. Effective Leadership, Effective Problem solving & Decision making, effective communication and teamwork excellence becomes common sense when the working chemistry has been made positive.


Targeted Audience: Any level (Best for a team)


Duration: 2 Days



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