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Coaching & Mentoring is becoming a highly required activity in organizations today and the leaders of the new millennium are encouraged to be skilled in it. The reason for this is because of the natural human deficiency of not doing things that they are supposed to do. The increase in emotional or stress issues has created relationship complications and unnecessary barriers for the teams to go forward. When one is obscured by emotions the mind is unclear of what is best to be done. Coaching or Mentoring not only give that clarity and motivation but also relieves the candidate from the emotional load that takes away the peace at work. The process of attitude change or adaptation to environmental change is accelerated through coaching & mentoring.

If you’re looking for a smart way to motivate and build a team of great employees in your organization, coaching and mentoring is the approach to building that great team. Each individual is different and hence the methods chosen to coach that person should match his or her potential. With interesting coaching techniques, the employees can be motivated and inspired to contribute fully to the team. The study, "Coaching: A Global Study of Successful Practices," surveyed more than 1,000 business leaders around the world and found use of coaching as a means of increasing individual productivity was up. Nearly 60 percent of North American companies use coaching for high potentials frequently or a great deal and about 42 percent use coaching of executives to the same extent. These percentages were higher in the international sample.

The following coaching techniques are provided in the program:​​


This is an action learning training program with follow-ups whereby the participants are made to coach on real issues using the techniques given. They are given practical assignments and reviewed during follow-ups.

Targeted Audience: Managers, Supervisors, and Executives with subordinates

Duration: 2 Days


Performance Acceleration


Problem Solving Coaching​

Morale Enhancement Coaching

Attitude Change Coaching

Rising Above Emotion Counseling

Workload & time Management Coaching

Adaptability Coaching

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