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The program uses the ICEBERG concept whereby the performance you wish to see in the employees on the outside is largely controlled by the inside which are made-up of thoughts, emotions and beliefs. These thoughts, emotions and beliefs form what we call as the Vibrational Structure in an individual that is responsible for the attraction of all the successes and failures in their life. These success and failure experiences further influences one’s thought, emotion and belief, which further influences one’s vibrational structure, that influences one’s outward behaviour and performance.  The cycle carries on attracting the future successes and failures.


This is a high-end Attitude Transformation program, which will be a perfect “Employee Engagement” strategy. It’s for all levels of employees focused on providing and effective platform in transforming employees into positive and proactive workers. It’s basically a virtual learning with scheduled self-learning time, email monitoring and virtual coaching for 2 weeks.

The “Engaging In Motivation” (EIM) program is a remarkable one that is brilliantly structured to help employees acquire the ability to sustain their motivation level very effectively. It’s a highly transformative program that uses studio recorded audio-based lecture, with therapeutic music to make the learning conducive. It uses Law Of Attraction approach, not only because it is the most effective approach to motivate an individual, but due to the fact that Law Of Attraction principles are going to be a new norm. Not providing this training will be a deprivation on the part of the organization, in not keeping-up to the new cutting edge employee development strategies.  

The program is very engaging, with many states of art Tools and Therapy that unlocks the motivational energy (Abundance Energy) in the individuals. The entire program is basically a mega tool to Unlock the Abundance Energy which has been blocked in many areas, often unknown to the individual. Its rich with “wow” factors and magical moments that the attendees feel highly thankful to the organizers. Its almost guaranteed that this is completely a different program, with the highest pull factor for those who can understand English.


The Covid era has created a high-level of insecurity and fear in the vast majority out there, especially the employees. Demotivation level in workers has sky rocketed currently, due to fear of being infected by Covid 19 virus, pay-cuts, performance drop, being locked at home, uncertainty that affects performance planning, company’s instability, etc. which inevitably will affect their ownership and performance. What they desperately need right now is to have sustained motivation while working. Performing organizations recognize that as a significant organizational need currently.


  1. Increase participants capability to self-motivate

  2. Set a proactive mind and culture the mind to be positive

  3. Motivated to perform in the best way

  4. Acquire knowledge on how to attract their goals in the most effective manner

  5. Inspiration to think for others wellbeing at workplace and work in harmony

  6. Know how to operate from Abundance Mentality, and avoid scarcity Mentality at work

  7. Reduce complaint and blame attitude

  8. Overcome fear and insecurity

  9. Raise self esteem

  10. Humble down the ego and Improve all the important relationships

PROGRAM DURATION : 2 Hours / 6 Weeks

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